Andy and I went to Utah a couple weeks ago. We went separately because Andy couldn't take off much work. He's trying to save up for when the baby comes. I went for a week and he went for about 4 complete days. We decided after splitting up, that if we ever travel separately again, we will still come back together. It's hard to leave family when you are alone. I felt bad that Andy didn't get to spend a whole lot of time there, but he still enjoyed the trip either way. While we were there, we had a couple of showers. One with girlfriends that Deborah planned (thanks Deb) and one with family that my mom planned (thanks mom). So many people contributed to the showers with food and decorations. Thank you so much to all of you! It was so nice to be able to see everyone, and we really appreciated all the support we got from friends and family. Although, I will never fly so late in pregnancy again,:) I really enjoyed my trip. Thank You so much everyone for all your gifts and support! We really appreciate it. Here are a few pics from the trip.
Mall with Nephew Holden and Niece Lauren:

Friend Shower:
All three of us due within about 2 months of each other. Kinda crazy!
All the girlies. Left to right. Kim (little Kapri), Molly, Heather ( little Livvy), Ailee, Sara, Karli (Baby Ailee named after other Ailee :)), Mckensie, Me and Janae.
Jo had to come late with two little ones at home, so we got our own pic together. :)
Momma and daughters
Just wanted to say a special thanks to Deborah for planning this and sending out the invitations. I really appreciate it. Thanks to Mom, Deb and Liz for the help with the yummy brunch. I loved it! Thanks to everyone else for coming and supporting me! I really appreciate it! It was so good to see everyone! You guys are great!
The Mayan:
We got to go to the Mayan with my family and some extended family. It was a lot of fun and was great to see my Aunts Pat (who travelled from Idaho), Lin and Judy and my cousin Joni. Thanks you guys for coming!

Aunt Judy and Mayan man

Nephew Preston, Joni and Holden

Preston and Lauren
Family Shower:

We unfortunately weren't able to get many pics of the family shower, but all of mine and Andy's family were there with the exception of Brad, Jana and Joslyn. I also had some of my extended family there. My aunts Lin and Bev and my cousins Aria and Clay. A special thanks to my mom for planning it all and making food and thank you to everyone else for the food contributions and the gifts. We really appreciate it and loved it all.
Holden Turns One:
Holden turned one on the 18th of May. I'm glad that I was able to be there. Unfortunately Andy had to leave the day before. It was an adorable Yo Gabba Gabba theme. Chris even made Holden a Yo Gabba Gabba shirt. It was so cute. Holden seemed to love it. Happy Birthday little guy.
Holden eating his cupcake
Opening presents
This toy by far was his favorite. He wouldn't let it go. He loves cell phones. Especially the buttons and when they light up. This toy did both of those things, he couldn't get enough of it.
That's all the update for now. More to come soon. My Texas shower with friends and our trip to San Antonio..... both coming soon.